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In yeet, apps, or rather their components, are visually defined by the underlying theme. This design principle facilitates a consistent visual presentation across various apps by providing a collection of predefined style elements that can be associated with an unlimited number of apps.


The foundation is formed by what are termed CoreThemes, which, in turn, are composed of various SubThemes. A CoreTheme can be understood as a sort of collection and does not set any style properties by itself. Through the Theme Manager, a new CoreTheme can be easily created with just a click. If necessary, an existing CoreTheme can serve as the basis for this creation.


In contrast, SubThemes provide specific style definitions for different aspects of the user interface. Each SubTheme can be individually tailored to meet the needs and brand identity of the respective app, with the CoreThemes serving as a unified framework within which these customizations take place.
For instance, two different SubThemes can be created within a CoreTheme to style different areas of an application. Buttons in a form, for example, may be intended to look different from how they appear in the rest of the application. In such cases, a new SubTheme can be created and assigned for each variation of the style.

Structurally, the SubTheme can be divided into different areas. Fundamentally, it is composed of:

  1. Core Paletts
  2. Core Tokens
  3. Component Tokens